Immersive Technology Solutions

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

We are constantly innovating and designing to create the best solutions to suit whatever VR/AR needs that arises. Our team will be able to assess your needs and build a software and hardware solution.

AR takes the user interface to a whole new level. A virtual control panel can be superimposed directly on the product and operated using an AR headset, hand gestures, and voice commands. Users wearing smart glasses will be able to simply gaze at or point to a product to activate a virtual user interface and operate it. A worker wearing smart glasses, for instance, will be able to walk a line of factory machines, see their performance parameters, and adjust each machine without physically touching it.

We develop immersive technology solutions that have shown an incredible ability to educate, train, and solve real-world problems. This augments the performance of individuals and improves their grasp of technically-challenging concepts, enabling them to work better, smarter and safer.

In classrooms, our solutions are being utilized to engage learners with abstract concepts, bridging the gap between knowledge and understanding and providing better engagement and retention of information. It is easy to see that we augment the learner’s ability to learn, yet what is less obvious and just as true is that we augment the teacher’s ability to instruct by expanding upon their repertoire and resources.

VR Headsets

Smart Glasses

They deliver a hands-free connection of the digital world to the real world, providing unprecedented access to location-aware information, data collection, remote support communications with both audio and video, and more. It is one of the first all self-contained augmented reality smart glasses available. At the same time, the wireless device is a complete AV communications tools for remote support applications.

Telepresence Robots

Machine Learning



The base of retail analytics is to count the number of visitors that walk in to your retail store. Monitor changes in traffic as you tweak your marketing and merchandising.



Once visitors are inside the store, the system will track their movement. This information can be translated to frequent paths taken, hot and cold zones and product engagement.



Monitor queue lengths and times with this module. With information in hand you can schedule staff based on predicted queue times, determine optimal staff to shopper ratio and set custom alerts on unusual queue activity.



Using facial detection technology, view is able to categorize shoppers into demographics such as age group and gender. Other metrics that can also be gathered are emotional response and engagement based on eye tracking.



Touch tracks customers engagement at product displays and fixtures providing insights such as browsing time, hot and cold items on display. Product interaction is measured in a quantitative way.



Storemetrics is our reporting backbone that is cloud based that gathers all the data measuring points. The dashboard provided helps with vizualization of comparative changes made thru time and tweaks in store design, marketing strategy, pricing and merchandising.

Lets talk and see how you can get us to help you

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